Olive Tree
Alicia Lopez Vivancos - 2021-07-05

The 22nd of April, the International Day of the Earth, we planted an olive tree in INS Francisco de Goya, for our project Erasmus+ “Let’s Science our School Environment''. This event has also taken place in our partner's high schools, to symbolize our commitment to the planet and conservation of the environment. The tree that we selected was the olive tree, a typical tree of the Mediterranean sea, symbol of peace, strength, rebirth and expectation.The students of the Erasmus+ project tied ribbons with messages and wishes related to the environment and also read the song “l‘Olivera” by the songwriter Joan Manuel Serrat. The students read as well the poem “The olive branch” by Tennessee Williams, and “Paisaje” by Federico García Lorca. Finally, we listened to the song “Camp d’oliveres” by the Catalan pop band Catarres.